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RetroGames Cloud is Now Live and Announcing the Ambassador Program!

Finally we are entering the final testing phase of the Retro Games Cloud this week, and it is proudly that we announce the Ambassador Program.

This program was created for the hard-core retro gamer that wants to have it all, forever! We have several terabytes of content to share on the Retro Games Cloud, and all this content needs to be added to the cloud server bit by bit, specially because of technical limitations and also because we are curating everything that goes in there, so we don’t have any redundant pieces of software or media available to the users.

Instead of a monthly-based subscription that you have a limited time to get your content, and can cancel anytime, the Ambassador pays a one-time fee and have unrestricted content to everything, including content that is not even up yet, forever!

Ambassadors can have the cloud content transferred to hard drives (provided by the customer) and shipped back to them with ALL our content if the server goes offline or the cloud is closed for any reason, or even if they decide to discontinue themselves their Ambassador accounts and move on. In all scenarios, all they need to do is send us storage media with return postage and we will add to it any portion of our content that they want, or all of it, for that matter.

Also, Ambassadors have access to special content earlier. There are some pieces of content that will be only shared with Ambassadors, other pieces will be added for them first and then moved to the cloud where all monthly subscription users can enjoy it.

Ambassadors also enjoy a few other perks, such as recommend and request content, early access to new retropie images created for the Retro Mini Store and a lot more!

The Ambassador program will be available for sign-up for a limited time only, so if you are interested on this program, please get in as soon as possible. We have limited spots, so it will not be available for new sign-ups forever.

Click here to see all our packages and to sign-up for the Ambassador program.